Digital Satellite Receiver DVB-S Modulated to the Adjacent Channel - VHF / Cable (Superbanda);
Band C and Band Ku;
Input frequency 950 ~ 2150 MHz;
Programming to use LNB or LNBF;
Automatic search and blind channel search;
Output channels from 02 to 65 (55.25 ~ 469.25 MHz);
Used in TV repeater stations;
High quality of sound and digital image;
Exclusive Electronic VU for audio and video level adjustments in the field;
Built-in acoustic resonance filter - SAW Filter;
Perfect channel bandwidth - 6 MHz (Saw Filter Epcos *);
Output channel tuning controlled by PLL microcontroller;
Audio carrier ratio control (aural level) - 10dB / 14dB;
1 kHz audio generator and bar pattern available by programming;
Audio and Video inputs by RCA connector identified by standard color;
Exclusive built-in Channel Combiner - low loss, perfect isolation between channels;
Cermet audio and video level controls - wear-free, dustproof;
RF output level control with 75 Ohms / 20 dB attenuator - guaranteed impedance !;
RF input and output by professional quality F-type connector;
All controls on the same front panel;
Applications in cable TV, community TV, Collective Antenna Systems and Closed Circuit TV;
Excellent image quality on analog TVs, LCD and Led .;
Supplied in standard 19 "or modular Sensonic rack;
The most compact in rack, up to 16 channels / 5 Us;
External power supply - No electrical noise or heating;
Automatic switching source 90 ~ 240 VAC;
Protection circuits against voltage surges, short circuits and transients.